The Kikar Tree (Acacia Arabica)
I grow upward, my march is heaven-ward,
My face is turned to the God of the skies,
Nor village, nor city, nor palace, nor hut need I in this world
of yours,
I am he who can pass his days without a roof, in rain,
sunshine, hail and wind,
I love to look at the God of the skies!
I need but a small piece of ground for my roots just to stand,
to blossom, to bear fruit and die!
I need no raiment nor food from Thee, O world!
The rainwater is enough for me, I drink and grow!
I live on air, I desire naught!
I am alone in myself, the ascetic of centuries past and the
ascetic of the centuries yet to come.
And even for me, O world! Thou hast but an axe!
Bhai Vir Singh
Translated by Prof Puran Singh
(from Book : The Spirit of Oriental Poetry)

My Strength
Come wakeup my strength,
The Almighty within is waiting!
For He wants you to hold the Sky and;
rise in love,
for His blessing.
But wait my strength,
The Earth too here is yearning!
For before you touch the heaven;
Her wounds are craving,
for a meek caring.
Then hold my mere strength,
these winds may craft you weak.
As you are a strength of a petty human;
a creation of the Creator Thee.
But when He shall stand for your might,
as you surrender to only Thee.
Your cry shall reach the heaven, my strength;
when you have the strength to cry for Thee
and lose your little i in Thee! lose your little i in Thee!
Amandeep Singh
(from Book : Celestial Grace)

Poems by Sat Paul Goyal
The Ebbing Tide
On a windy shore
The ebbing tide
Washes the moon away
Moons in the Lake
Full moon in the sky
So many quivering
In the semi-frozen lake
Crazy Moon
The Crazy moon
Coaxes dark clouds
To play hide n seek
Summer Fun
A frog on a turtle
Hop on a floating rock
For summer fun
Amandeep’ poem “My Strength” is an invocation to the Strength of Love n Care bestowed on all beings by the Creator. Earth is also ” yearning” for our attention. The poet’ wish is like that of Kikkar to look upward towards the open sky in order to commune with the Creator while fully anchored on mother Earth. Powerful imagery, profound ecstatic thoughts. Enjoyed!