Our Team

Amandeep Singh

Director, Naad Pargaas USA

Author: Akal Takht Revisiting Miri In Political Imagination

Introduced: The Spirit of Oriental Poetry

Editor: Essays on Akal Takht

Prof. Jagdish Singh

Director Naad Pargaas, Sri Amritsar

Member of Sahit Academy, India

Author of Introduction of Amrit Vela. ( Sahit Academy Award Winner 2011)

Founder of Naad Pargaas, Sri Amritsar

Harjot Kaur

Convener Naad Pargaas USA


Reintroduction of Sundri by Bhai Vir Singh (Work in Progress)

Amaninder Singh

Educationist and Research Scholar in Śabda Philosophy

Conducts Seminar, Talks and Conferences Internationally

Dr. Sukhwinder Singh

Visiting Prof. Department of Religious studies, Punjab University, Chandigarh

On Editorial Board of Sikh Formations for Book review

Edited 2 books on Sikh Studies

Dr. Jaswinder Singh

Assistant Professor
Punjabi University, Patiala

Editor: Prof Puran Singh Ratnavali – 2 Volumes

Editor: Essays on Guru Granth Sahib

Editor: Anecdotes from Sikh History by Puran Singh

Dr. Amarjit Singh

Assistant Professor JGNDUniv, Patiala

Editor Punjabi Journal Kaav Shastar

Editor Punjabi newspaper Gurmukhi

On Editorial Board of Sikh Formations for Book review

Dr. Harpal Singh

Assistant Professor
Department of Religious Studies

Central University of Kashmir

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